Sleepwell for snoring
Sleepwell offers a cost effective solution to continually disrupted sleep by combatting snoring and helping you (and your loved ones) enjoy more peaceful nights.
Snoring may sound funny but it’s no joke for sufferers as it can have a big impact on sleep quality, leading to some serious problems such as:
- Nagging fatigue
- Lack of energy
- Poor motivation
- Accidents while driving
- Higher stress levels
- Reduced productivity at work
It’s thought that around a third of adults snore – that’s a lots of interrupted sleep! And there are a number of factors that can make people more prone to this annoying condition including:
- Obesity
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Allergies
What causes snoring?
When you sleep, the airways in your head and neck narrow which increases the speed of exhalation and alters the air pressure leading to vibration of the soft tissues in the throat and behind the tongue.
Some people may also suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea – this is when the walls of the throat fully collapse and cause a blockage of the airway for ten seconds or more. This can result in significant sleep disturbance as the brain repeatedly disrupts sleep to ensure the airway reopens.
How does Sleepwell stop snoring?
This comfortable device reduces snoring by stopping the lower jaw from dropping into a position that would narrow the airways. It is precisely designed just for you by specialist technicians using dental impressions.
Sleepwell is extremely wearable as it has a soft inner lining, allows the lower jaw to move side to side and is adjustable for maximum effectiveness. It is these unique features that make it such a successful way to silence sleep destroying snores.
Give us a call on 020 8949 5252 to find out about this custom-made answer to restless nights.
SCi Splint for bruxism
We use the clinically effective SCi splint to combat the effects of bruxism – the medical term for grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. Bruxism can have a variety of causes and affects a significant proportion of the population, particularly during stressful periods. It can also lead to a number of negative affects including:
- Tooth wear and breakage
- Pain and limited movement of the jaw joint
- Migraines and headaches
- Earache
The SCi Splint is particularly appealing as it reduces muscle clenching but is smaller than traditional full arch splints. It is worn at night to stop the canine and back teeth from touching and so reduces damaging muscle tension.